High quality copy of the original DeVere instruction manual for model 5108 8x10 enlargers.
High quality copy of the original DeVere instruction manual for model 1010 XLH horizontal 10x10 enlargers.
High quality copy of the original DeVere instruction manual for model 108S and 108 A/F 10x10 enlargers.
High quality reproduction of the DeVere Closed Loop and Autofocus Systems Troubleshoooting Guide.
High quality copy of the original DeVere instruction manual for all DeVere Closed Loop type Dichromat colourheads.
Instruction manual for Arkay CD-40 and CD80 Film Drying Cabinets.
Instruction manual for Arkay Dual-Dri 150 Drum-type Print Dryers.
Instruction manual for Arkay RC-1100SS and RC-2100SS Print Dryers.