Replacement clear bottom glass for Omega D-series Rapid Shift type glass negative carriers.
Replacement clear top glass for Omega D-series 6x6 and 6x9 Rapid Shift type glass negative carriers.
Anti-Newton Glass for the LPL Universal 6x7 Glass Masking Carrier
Anti-Newton glass for scanning, contact printing and special applications.
Replacement light seal set for Omega C-760 and C-67 6x7 glass negative carriers.
Replacement Clear Glass for the LPL Universal 6x7 Glass Masking Carrier
Replacement top and bottom glass for Omega #423-423 and 423-233 6x7 glass negative carriers.
Omega #423-224 glassless 6x7 format negative carrier for C-67 and Super Chromega C Dichroic enlargers.
Hinged glassless 6x7 format negative carrier to fit LPL, Saunders/LPL, Jobo/LPL, and Omega/LPL medium format enlargers.
Omega #423-127 hinged glassless 6 x 7cm format negative carrier for C-700 enlargers.