10 sheet package of Ilford Multigrade IV RC 16x20 glossy paper.
10 sheet package of Ilford Multigrade IV RC 11x14 Pearl surface paper.
50 sheet box of Ilford Multigrade IV RC 11x14 Pearl surface paper.
50 sheet box of Ilford Multigrade IV RC 11x14 Satin surface paper.
100 sheet box of Ilford Multigrade IV RC 8x10 Pearl surface paper.
100 sheet box of Ilford Multigrade IV RC 8x10 Satin surface paper.
25 sheet package of Ilford Multigrade IV RC 8x10 glossy photographic paper.
25 sheet package of Ilford Multigrade IV RC 8x10 Pearl surface paper.
Contains sample prints of the different Ilford photographic papers and surfaces.
1 liter bottle of Ilford Harman Selenium Toner concentrate.
1 liter bottle of Ilford Rapid Fixer concentrate for paper and film processing.
5 liter bottle of Ilford Rapid Fixer concentrate for paper and film processing.
500ml bottle of Ilford Ilfostop stop bath concentrate.
Ilford Bromophen B&W Paper Developer, 5 litre size powder concentrate.
5 liter bottle of Ilford Multigrade Developer concentrate.
500ml bottle of Ilford Multigrade Developer concentrate.
1 liter packet size of Ilford ID-11 powder film developer for processing of most B&W films.
5 litre size package of Ilford ID-11 B&W film developer.