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Results 1 to 10 of 27 for Holes Sort By:
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25mm Lock Ring for Enlarger Lenses & #00 Shutters
...oards with suitable size holes, or to mount Copal #00 shutters to camera lensboards...

Our price: CA$35.00
32.5mm Lock Ring for Enlarger Lenses & #0 Shutters
...oards with suitable size holes, or to mount Copal #0 shutters to camera lensboards...

Our price: CA$39.50
32.5mm Lock Ring for Enlarger Lenses & #0 Shutters - Used
...oards with suitable size holes, or to mount Copal #0 shutters to camera lensboards...

Our price: CA$29.50
Quantity Out of stock
53mm Lens Flange for EL-Nikkor and Fujinon Enlarger Lenses
...with six screw holes as original...

Our price: CA$68.00
Quantity Out of stock
Under Lens Filter Holder for Beseler 23C and 45M series Enlargers
...Most owners arent aware that a proper under-the-lens holder is a simple retrofit - the mounting holes are already there!...rgers (requires mounting holes to be drilled and tapped) Not suitable for 45MXT or 45V-XL enlargers ...

Our price: CA$85.00
Quantity Out of stock
55mm Enlarger Lens Mounting Flange
...Note: Schneider 55mm flanges are typically supplied with 4 screw holes...Our custom flange has 8 holes...Only 4 screws are required; the additional holes are to provide greater flexibility in orienting the lens on the lensboard so that the aperture scale faces forward...

Our price: CA$75.00
Print Drying Racks for Arkay CD-80 and CD-20 Film Drying Cabinets - set of 4
...Installation is easy, requiring only simple tools and using existing holes in the cabinet walls...

Our price: CA$210.00
Print Drying Racks for Arkay CD-40 and CD-10 Film Drying Cabinets - set of 4
...Installation is easy, requiring only simple tools and using existing holes in the cabinet walls...

Our price: CA$165.00
Quantity Out of stock
Copy Camera Adapter for Omega B22, B66, B600 & C700 Enlargers - Used
...The two holes at the rear of the adapter plate fit over the locating pins at the rear of the negative stage...

Our price: CA$56.00
Quantity Out of stock
Negatrans/Negaflat Adapter for Omega D2 and D3 Enlargers - Used
...Locating screws/pins on the bottom of the Beseler Negatrans and Negaflat carriers fit into the four holes on the top of the adapter plate...

Our price: CA$68.00
Quantity Out of stock

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