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Flashtube for White Lightning 5K & 10K series - non-UV
...directly at 1-800-443-5542, or through their website,

Our price: CA$44.00
De Vere / DeVere 480 Copy Camera Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original DeVere instruction manual for their model 480 floorstanding and wall mount vertical copy cameras...

Our price: CA$11.95
Flashtubes for White Lightning Ultra - UV-coated, banana jack leads
...directly at 1-800-443-5542, or through their website,

Our price: CA$117.00
Dual Range Focusing Kit for Super Chromega E Dichroic Enlargers
...This convenient accessory has been available for years for D-5 and D-6 4x5 enlargers, but Omega never produced a similar kit for their 5x7 enlargers...

Our price: CA$208.00
Quantity Out of stock
Sync Cord - 12", PC to 1/8" (3.5mm) Mono Plug for the AlienBees ABR800
...directly at 1-800-443-5542, or through their website,

Our price: CA$14.00
Paterson Rapid Print Drying Rack
...Prints stand on their edges allowing maximum air circulation front and back...

Our price: CA$68.50
Schneider G-Claron 240mm f/9.0 Lens - Used
...With their apochromatic flat field design, they are outstanding for tabletop and macrophotography...Because of their compact size and light weight they have also been a popular lens for field photography...

Our price: CA$495.00
Quantity Out of stock
Instructions for Beseler Print Processing Drums and Motor Base Agitators
... High quality copies of the original Beseler instruction sheets for their #8912, 8913, and 8914 Color Print Processing Drums, and Motor Base Agitators...

Our price: CA$7.95
Instruction Manual for Time-O-Lite Darkroom Timers
... High quality copy of the original Industrial Timer Corporation instruction manual for their Time-O-Lite darkroom timers...

Our price: CA$8.95
Dichroic Color Filtration Module for LPL 4x5 Enlargers - Refurbished
... One of the distinct advantages of LPL 4x5 enlargers is their modular lamphouse design...

Our price: CA$1995.00

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