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Bottom Glass for Omega D Rapid Shift Glass Negative Carriers
...Clear and anti-Newton top glass is also available for these carriers...

Our price: CA$40.00
Anti-Newton Top Glass for Beseler 23C 6x6 Glass Negative Carriers
...Clear top and bottom glass are also available for these carriers...

Our price: CA$45.00
35mm Mixing Box for Omega D5500 Dichroic Enlargers
...A similar 6x7 mixing box for medium format negatives is also available - please see the separate listing...

Our price: CA$289.00
Anti-Newton Glass for Omega 4x5 Glass Negative Carriers
...Regular 4x5 carrier glass is also available...

Our price: CA$69.00
6x7 Mixing Box for Omega D5500 Dichroic Enlargers
...A similar 35mm mixing box is also available - please see the separate listing...

Our price: CA$289.00
Omega #404-867 3-Lens Turret for D5 and D6 Enlargers
...If your enlarger is an early D-6, we have refurbished #404-866 turrets available...

Our price: CA$330.00

Omega #404-866 3-Lens Turret for early D6 Enlargers - Used
...The later type turret for later D-6 and all D-5 enlargers is also available - please see the separate listings...

Our price: CA$195.00
Clear Top Glass for the LPL 35mm Glass Negative Carrier
...Replacement anti-Newton glass is also available...

Our price: CA$32.00
Anti-Newton Glass for the LPL 35mm Glass Negative Carrier
...Optional clear glass is also available...

Our price: CA$35.00
Amber Filter Assembly for De Vere / DeVere Enlargers
...Note: This product has been discontinued and is no longer available The swingaway red filter is still available, see the link below in the Related Products section...

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