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Air Filters for Arkay CD-80 Film Drying Cabinets - 4 pack
...Keep a supply of replacement filters on hand with this convenient package of 4 filters, sized specifically for Arkay CD-80 drying cabinets...

Our price: CA$29.95
Air Filters for Arkay CD-40, CD-20, and CD-10 Film Drying Cabinets - 4 pack
...Keep a supply of replacement filters on hand with this convenient package of 4 filters, sized specifically for Arkay CD-40, CD-20, and CD-10 drying cabinets...

Our price: CA$29.95
Dual Range Focusing Kit for Super Chromega E Dichroic Enlargers
...KHB Photografix is pleased to introduce this new Micromega kit specifically for the Super Chromega E Dichroic.  The kit is easily installed with simple tools...

Our price: CA$208.00
Quantity Out of stock
Dual Range Focusing Kit for Omega D-5 & D5-XL Enlargers - Used
...We will supply the kit with black finish unless grey is specifically requested.Unfortunately, Omega used at least 4 different grey finishes thoughout the decades...

Our price: CA$178.00

Dual Range Focusing Kit for Omega D-2 & D2-XL Enlargers
...KHB Photografix is pleased to provide this exclusive Micromega kit specifically for D-2 enlargers...

Our price: CA$218.00
Quantity Out of stock
Paterson Major Focus Finder / Grain Focuser
...The Paterson Major Focus Finder provides accurate focusing on the image grain of the negative under high magnification. It is designed for easy focusing of big enlargements, but can be used for magnifications as small as 3x. The tall design...

Our price: CA$108.50
Beseler Lensboard for the Schneider 150mm f/4.0 APO Componon HM
... This lensboard is specifically designed for mounting the Schneider APO Componon HM 150mm lens on Beseler enlargers, including the 45M, 45MX, 45MCRX, 45MXII, 45MXT * , 45V-XL * , and CB7 4x5 enl...

Our price: CA$199.00
Quantity Out of stock
Hewes Stainless Steel Developing Reel for 220 Film - Used
...These 220 reels feature an simple stainless steel clip system to secure the film to the reel core, and are specifically designed to fit in the same developing tanks as 120 reels...

Our price: CA$35.00
Quantity Out of stock
4"x5" Pack Film Negative Carrier for Omega D Series Enlargers
...The Omega #423-317 4x5 carrier is sized specifically for the Kodak 4x5 Pack Film format...

Our price: CA$119.00
Power Supply for Super Chromega C Dichroic Colorheads - Used
...The power supply is specifically configured to provide 21V to the lamp and full line voltage to the lamphouse cooling fan...

Our price: CA$275.00

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