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120V Stabilized Power Supply for LPL 4x5 Enlargers
...For power supplies for square plug Saunders/LPL enlargers, and 220V power supplies, please see the separate listings...

Our price: CA$719.00
Quantity Out of stock
Beseler # 8105 200W 24V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
...Beseler part #8105 replacement lamp for Dichro dg, Dichro dga, and Dual Dichro 23 colorheads with external power supplies...

Our price: CA$35.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 200W 82V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Part #LPL00155 200W 82V quartz-halogen reflector lamp for for LPL model 7450 and 7451 4x5 Dichroic Colour, VCCE Variable Contrast, and BW Diffusion enlargers with 82V power supplies...

Our price: CA$54.00
LPL 250W 24V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
...Part #LPL68476 250W/24V Quartz-Halogen replacement lamp for LPL model 7452 and 7452L 4x5 Dichroic Colour, VCCE Variable Contrast, and B&W Diffusion enlargers with 24V power supplies...24V power supplies are typically supplied with these enlargers in areas with 220V or 240V electrical service...

Our price: CA$32.00
Quantity Out of stock
Timer Cord for the Beseler Dichro 45 Color Computer
...The colorhead cannot function without it since this cord supplies power to the lamp...

Our price: CA$38.50
LPL 250W 82V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Part #LPL00160 250W/82V Quartz-Halogen replacement lamp for for LPL model 7452 and 7452L 4x5 Dichroic Colour, VCCE Variable Contrast, and BW Diffusion enlargers with 82V power supplies...

Our price: CA$38.00
Power Supply for Saunders/LPL 4x5 Enlargers - Refurbished
...These power supplies are used, but have been refurbished and recalibrated and are in perfect working condition...NOTE: The Saunders/LPL 4x5 power supplies were supplied in different finishes at different times - black (pictured), and grey finish...

Our price: CA$535.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega B600 Condenser Enlarger with Lens, Negative Carrier and Easel - Refurbished
...This enlarger package is a limited time offer while supplies last...

Our price: CA$665.00

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