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Replacement Clear Glass for the Omega D5500 Glass Carrier
...Anti-Newton top glass is also available...

Our price: CA$48.50
Anti-Newton Top Glass for the Omega D5500 Glass Carrier
...Clear bottom glass is also available...

Our price: CA$69.50
Flashtube for White Lightning 5K & 10K series - non-UV
...UV-coated 5200K type flashtubes are also available - please see the separate listing...

Our price: CA$44.00
Replacement Clear Glass for Omega 4x5 Glass Negative Carriers
...May also be used as the top glass in the #423-327 Rapid Shift 4x 5 Glass carrier...Anti-Newton top glass is also available...

Our price: CA$49.00
Clear Top Glass for Beseler 23C 6x9 Glass Negative Carriers
...Can also be used to replace the anti-Newton top glass in the #8072 6x9 glass carrier...Anti-Newton top glass and clear bottom glass are also available for these carriers...

Our price: CA$45.00
Omega #404-866 3-Lens Turret for early D6 Enlargers - Used
...The later type turret for later D-6 and all D-5 enlargers is also available - please see the separate listings...

Our price: CA$195.00
120V Power Supply for Super Chromega D & E Colorheads
...The 412-023 220V-240V version of the Standard Power Supply is also available...

Our price: CA$480.00

Clear Top Glass for the LPL 35mm Glass Negative Carrier
...Replacement anti-Newton glass is also available...

Our price: CA$32.00
Anti-Newton Glass for the LPL 35mm Glass Negative Carrier
...Optional clear glass is also available...

Our price: CA$35.00
Replacement Clear Glass for Omega F Series Negative Carriers
...Anti-Newton ring top glass is also available...

Our price: CA$120.00

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