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Results 21 to 30 of 33 for Boards Sort By:
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53mm Threaded Lens Board for LPL 4x5 Enlargers
...Lensboards with 25mm, 32.5mm, 39mm, 42mm, 50mm, and 55mm thread are also available...These lens boards fit the following: LPL 7450, 7451, 7452, and 7452L 4x5 enlargers Jobo/LPL 7415, 7425, 7435 4x5 enlargers Omega/LPL 4500-II and 4550XLG 4x5 enlargers Saunders/LPL 4500,...

Our price: CA$94.00
25mm Threaded Lens Board for LPL 4x5 and 7700 Enlargers
...These lens boards fit the following: LPL 7700 series 6x7 enlargers Omega/LPL 670XL series 6x7 enlargers Saunders/LPL 670XL series 6x7 enlargers LPL 7450, 7451, 7452, and 7452L 4x5 enlarg...

Our price: CA$94.00
42mm Threaded Lens Board for LPL 4x5 Enlargers
...Lensboards with 25mm, 32.5mm, 39mm, 50mm, 53mm, and 55mm thread are also available...These lens boards fit the following: LPL 7450, 7451, 7452, and 7452L 4x5 enlargers Jobo/LPL 7415, 7425, and 7435 4x5 enlargers Omega/LPL 4500-II and 4550XLG 4x5 enlargers Saunders/LPL 45...

Our price: CA$94.00
39mm Threaded Lens Board for LPL 4x5 and 7700 Enlargers
...The lensboards are threaded, so no retaining ring or mounting flange is required...These lens boards fit the following: LPL 7700 series 6x7 enlargers Jobo/LPL 7700 series 6x7 enlargers Omega/LPL 670XL series 6x7 enlargers Saunders/LPL 670XL series 6x7 enlargers LPL 7...

Our price: CA$94.00
39mm Threaded Lensboard for Beseler 23C & 4x5 Enlargers
...These lens boards are threaded to accept lenses with standard 39mm Leica mounting thread...

Our price: CA$80.00
50mm Threaded Lensboard for Beseler 4x5 Enlargers
... 4x 4 solid aluminum lens boards fit all Beseler 4x5 enlargers, including the 45M, 45MX, 45MCRX, 45MXII, 45MXT, 45V-XL, and CB7...These lens boards are threaded to accept lenses with 50mm mounting thread, such as certain Rodenstock and Schneider 135mm and 150mm lenses...

Our price: CA$95.00
Omega #421-065 Rec./Ext. Lensboard with 39mm Thread for C760
...Since these lens boards are threaded, no lens retaining ring is required...

Our price: CA$52.00

39mm Fine Threaded Lens Board for LPL 4x5 Enlargers
...These lens boards fit the following: LPL 7450, 7451, 7452, and 7452L 4x5 enlargers Omega/LPL 4500-II and 4550XLG 4x5 enlargers Saunders/LPL 4500, 4500-II, 4550XL, and 4550XLG 4x5 enlargers ...

Our price: CA$94.00
Omega #421-061 Flat Lensboard with 39mm Thread for C760
...Since these lens boards are threaded, no lens retaining ring is required...

Our price: CA$52.00

53mm Threaded Lensboard for Beseler 4x5 Enlargers
... 4x 4 solid aluminum lens boards for use on Beseler 4x5 enlargers, including the 45M, 45MX, 45MCRX, 45MXII, 45MXT, 45V-XL, and CB7...These lens boards are threaded to accept lenses with 53mm mounting thread, such as the older style EL-Nikkor 150mm lens and certain Fujinon enlarging lenses...

Our price: CA$95.00

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