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Anti-Newton Glass for DeVere 5"x7" & 13x18cm Negative Carriers

Our price: CA$89.00

Replacement Glass for Omega C760 and C-67 Glass Negative Carriers

Our price: CA$65.00
Anti-Newton Glass for Omega D 35mm R.S. Glass Negative Carriers

Our price: CA$30.00
Anti-Newton Glass for Omega 4x5 Glass Negative Carriers

Our price: CA$69.00
Anti-Newton Glass for Omega 6x6 and 6x9 R.S. Glass Negative Carriers

Our price: CA$45.00
Omega CS-50 Auto Exposure Control Instruction Manual

Our price: CA$9.95
Beseler CB7 (late model) Enlarger Instruction Manual

Our price: CA$10.95
FOD (ortho) Filter Set for Thomas Duplex Safelights
...filters in Thomas Duplex Super Safelights will deteriorate with age and should be examined periodically to ensure that the light is still properly filtered. The manufacturer recommends replacing the filters every 5 or 6 years. If you require...

Our price: CA$75.00
Baseboard for Omega C700 and B600 Enlargers

Our price: CA$125.00

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