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Results 31 to 40 of 50 for Beseler parts Sort By:
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Beseler 67CS & 67CS-XL Enlarger Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original Beseler instruction manual for 67CS and 67CS-XL Condenser enlargers...7 pages plus parts diagram and parts list...ustments Maintenance Parts diagram and parts list Note: This manual covers the condenser enlarger only...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler 67CS2-XL Condenser Enlarger Instruction Manual
... High quality copy of the original Beseler instruction manual for 67CS2-XL enlargers...As originally supplied by Beseler, this 67CS2-XL manual comprises the 67CS manual plus two addendum pages covering the additional features...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler CB7 (early model) Enlarger Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original Beseler instruction manual for early model (grey and blue finish) CB7 condenser enlargers...Description of Principal Parts    Electrical Controls Mechanical Controls General Operating Procedure Making Enlargements Accessories Maintenance and Adjustment Replacement Parts ...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler 45H 4x5 Enlarger Instruction Manual
...cial Hints Replacement Parts Note: If your 45H enlarger has been fitted with an illumination system other than the condenser or Beslite lamphouse, you will also require the appropriate manua...

Our price: CA$10.95
Refurbishing Kit for Beseler 23C and 23C-II Enlargers
... The Beseler #7010 Refurbishing Kit contains common replacement parts for servicing 23C and 23C-II enlargers...Kit contains the following parts: Elevation gears and roll pins (2 each) Carriage elevation lock kit (1 set) Right side neg...

Our price: CA$185.50

Elevation Crank Handle for Beseler 23CII & 23CIII Enlargers
... One of the most commonly broken parts on 23C II enlargers is the original crank handle...In addition to the 23CII 23CIII, this handle is also a replacement for other Beseler enlargers that use the same chassis, such as the 67CS2, 67SC, 67SD, etc., and the CS-20 copystand...

Our price: CA$68.00
Quantity Out of stock
Beseler 23CII-XL Dichro Enlarger Instruction Manual
... High quality copy of the original Beseler instruction manual for later 23C II-XL Dichro enlargers...8 pages plus parts diagram...n the manual include: Parts Illustration Specifications Assembly Instructions Lens Selection and Mounting Inserting the Negative Elevation and Focus Negative Distortion Control O...

Our price: CA$10.95
39mm x 6.5mm Enlarger Lens Adapter for the Beseler 3-Lens Turret
... mounted directly on the Beseler 3-lens turret, on certain lenses, such as the Rodagon-G 50mm, WA-Componon 40mm, Rodagon 80mm, and EL-Nikkor 135mm, the rear element extends beyond the mounting th...

Our price: CA$135.00
Quantity Out of stock
39mm x 11.5mm Enlarger Lens Adapter for the Beseler 3-Lens Turret
... mounted directly on the Beseler 3-lens turret, on certain lenses, such as the EL-Nikkor 63mm, Rodagon 135mm, WA-Componon 60mm, Apo-Componon HM 90mm, and Componon-S 100mm, the rear element extend...

Our price: CA$145.00
Quantity Out of stock
50mm x 21mm Enlarger Lens Adapter for the Beseler 3-Lens Turret
... The Beseler 3-lens turret is designed to accept lenses with 39mm Leica mounting thread...

Our price: CA$165.00
Quantity Out of stock

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