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Results 31 to 40 of 50 for Devere parts Sort By:
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39mm Threaded Flat Lens Panel for DeVere 500 series Enlargers
...For lens mount information for specific enlargers, please refer to our DeVere Enlarger Guide website...

Our price: CA$146.00
De Vere / DeVere Apollo Enlarger Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original DeVere instruction manual for the Apollo autofocus 10x10 vertical enlarger...

Our price: CA$22.00
De Vere / DeVere Vulcan 10x10 Enlarger Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original DeVere instruction manual for the Vulcan 10x10 vertical enlarger...

Our price: CA$22.00
50mm Threaded Flat Lens Panel for DeVere 500 series Enlargers
...For lens mount information for specific enlargers, please refer to our DeVere Enlarger Guide website...

Our price: CA$146.00
Recessed Lens Panel for DeVere 500 series Enlargers with 39mm Hole
...For lens mount information for specific enlargers, please refer to our DeVere Enlarger Guide website...

Our price: CA$195.00
Quantity Out of stock
Blank Lens Panel for DeVere 500 series Enlargers
...For lens mount information for specific enlargers, please refer to our DeVere Enlarger Guide website...

Our price: CA$125.00
35mm "Full Frame" Negative Mask Set for DeVere enlargers
...Fits the DeVere 504 master negative carrier and most other DeVere large format enlargers with the appropriate small format adapter...For additional information on De Vere enlargers and accessories, please refer to our DeVere Enlarger Guide ...

Our price: CA$246.00
Quantity Out of stock
De Vere / DeVere Closed Loop and Autofocus Troubleshooting Guide
... High quality reproduction of the DeVere Closed Loop and Autofocus Systems Troubleshoooting Guide...

Our price: CA$22.00
De Vere #3845 120V Timer Interface
...If you would prefer to use a timer of your choice with your DeVere enlarger rather than the DeVere Universal Timer, this is the accessory required - the 120V Timer Interface...The back of the adapter box has the 8-pin DeVere connector that plugs into the power supply...

Our price: CA$240.00
Quantity Out of stock
DeVere # 2016 300W 120V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Replacement lamp for DeVere 1000W, 1200W, 2.4Kw and 4.8Kw Dichromat, Difcon and Varicontrast lamphouses as fitted to the Model 507, 5108, 515, Vulcan, Apollo, 508H, 515H, Metro and 1010ET enlargers...

Our price: CA$28.00
Quantity Out of stock

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