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Results 31 to 40 of 50 for Light source Sort By:
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Black & White Diffusion Module for LPL 4x5 Enlargers
...The Black & White Diffusion module has no filter mechanism or adjustments, and thus provides a basic, economical diffusion light source for use with graded B&W enlarging papers...

Our price: CA$495.00
Saunders/LPL 4500-II 4x5 Enlarger with B&W Diffusion Module - Refurbished
...Rugged, easy to use, professional quality enlarger handles all negative formats up to 4x5. The BW Diffusion module provides a simple and economical solution for printing on BW graded papers. Filtration modules are interchangeable, allowing the...

Our price: CA$2820.00
Quantity Out of stock
Focus Flashtube for Beseler/Minolta 45A Colorheads - Used
...Flashtubes for Beseler and Beseler/Minolta 45A Enlarger Light Source heads have been discontinued by Beseler and are no longer available new...

Our price: CA$40.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7451 4x5 Enlarger with B&W Diffusion Module
...Rugged, easy to use, professional quality enlarger handles all negative formats up to 4x5. The BW Diffusion module provides a simple and economical solution for printing on BW graded papers. Filtration modules are interchangeable, allowing the...

Our price: CA$4295.00
Quantity Out of stock
Light Attenuator Set for Omega C700 and C760 Colorheads
...You need your lamphouse to provide high light output so that exposure times are reasonable for large prints...But when making small prints, that amount of light can force extremely short exposures and/or stopping the lens down to a less than optimum aperture...

Our price: CA$54.50
Light Seals for Omega C760 and C67 6x7 Glass Carriers
...ottom plates to minimize light leakage...Simply clean off the remnants of the old light seals and press the new ones in place...

Our price: CA$24.50
Light Seal for Omega C760 Dichroic and Diffusion Enlargers
... Omega C760 Dichroic and Diffusion lamphouses were supplied with a light seal to prevent light leakage from between the lamphouse and negative carrier...Our replacement C760 light seal includes a Technical Memo describing how to set up the enlarger and insert the negative carriers to prevent damage to the seal...

Our price: CA$20.50
Light Trap for Omega D-series Condenser Enlargers
... These are the light traps that fit on the sides of the lamp cap on Omega D-series condenser enlargers...The light traps allow air circulation for cooling while preventing light leakage...If one or both of your light traps have been broken or are missing on your D-5, D-2, D-6, D-3, D5500 or ProLab II condenser head, these are the correct replacements...

Our price: CA$23.50

Light Seal for Omega Super Chromega E Dichroic Colorheads
...One of those is the light seal gasket that prevents light leaks from between the lamphouse and negative carrier...Some users simply try to ignore the light leaks, while others attempt to replace the original gasket with pieces of weather stripping - usually not very successfully...

Our price: CA$26.50
Quantity Out of stock
Light Seal for Omega B-66 Condenser Enlargers
...The Omega B-66 Condenser lamphouse was equipped with a light seal to prevent light leakage from between the lamphouse and negative carrier...Simply clean off the remnants of the old light seal and press the new one in place...

Our price: CA$14.50

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