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FCD (color) Filter Set for Thomas Duplex Safelight
...If you require replacement filters for the model DUC safelight (for color and B&W papers), this is the set of black edge filters that fit in the vanes of the safelight...

Our price: CA$75.00
FOD (ortho) Filter Set for Thomas Duplex Safelights
...X-ray film), this is the set of red edge filters that fit in the vanes of the safelight...FBD B&W (yellow edge), and FXD (green edge) filter sets that fit in the body of the safelight are also available - please see the separate listings...

Our price: CA$75.00
FBD (B&W) Filter Set for Thomas Duplex Safelights
... BW papers), this is the set of yellow edge filters that fit in the body of the safelight...FOD ortho (red edge) and FCD color (black edge) filter sets are also available - please see the separate listings...

Our price: CA$75.00
6x7 Negative Mask Set for Omega D5500 Enlargers - Used
...Two-piece glassless 6 x 7cm (2¼"x 2¾") roll film negative mask set for use with the Omega D5500 carrier cassette system...This mask set must be used with the #423-950 C-size Negative Carrier Holder...

Our price: CA$49.00

Polaroid 105 Format Mask Set for Omega D5500 Enlargers
...Two-piece glassless Polaroid 105 format negative mask set for use with the Omega D5500 carrier cassette system...This mask set must be used with the #423-951 D-size Negative Carrier Holder...

Our price: CA$49.00
4"x 5" Negative Mask Set for Omega D5500 Enlargers
...Two-piece glassless 4"x 5" format sheet film negative mask set for use with the Omega D5500 carrier cassette system...This mask set must be used with the #423-951 D-size Negative Carrier Holder...

Our price: CA$49.00

3¼"x4¼" Negative Mask Set for Omega D5500 Enlargers
...Two-piece glassless 3¼"x 4¼" format sheet film negative mask set for use with the Omega D5500 carrier cassette system...This mask set must be used with the #423-951 D-size Negative Carrier Holder...

Our price: CA$49.00
Kodak Disc Format Mask Set for Omega D5500 Enlargers
...Two-piece glassless Kodak Disc format negative mask set for use with the Omega D5500 carrier cassette system...This mask set must be used with the #423-951 D-size Negative Carrier Holder...

Our price: CA$49.00

4x5 Negative Mask set for DeVere enlargers
...DeVere #1910 4"x 5" cut film glassless negative mask set to fit the DeVere 504 master negative carrier and most other DeVere large format enlargers with the appropriate small format adapter...

Our price: CA$196.00
Knob Set for LPL and Saunders/LPL 6700 Dichroic Colorheads
...If your enlarger has missing or broken knobs, heres a convenient set of replacements...

Our price: CA$39.50
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