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Exposure Flashtube for Beseler/Minolta 45A Colorheads - Used
...Flashtubes for Beseler and Beseler/Minolta 45A Enlarger Light Source heads have been discontinued by Beseler and are no longer available new...

Our price: CA$40.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7452L 4x5 Enlarger with B&W Diffusion Module
...Rugged, easy to use, professional quality enlarger handles all negative formats up to 4x5. The BW Diffusion module provides a simple and economical solution for printing on BW graded papers. Filtration modules are interchangeable, allowing the...

Our price: CA$4895.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7452L 4x5 Enlarger with Dichroic Colour Module
...Rugged, easy to use, professional quality enlarger handles all negative formats up to 4x5. The Dichroic Colour filtration module is ideal for color printing but can be be used for BW printing as well. The filtration modules are interchangeable,...

Our price: CA$6795.00

Dichroic Color Lamphouse for LPL & Saunders/LPL 6700 Enlargers
...Not only does it provide great convenience for color printing, it is also an excellent diffusion light source for printing BW...

Our price: CA$695.00

Focus Flashtube for Beseler/Minolta 45A Colorheads - Used
...Flashtubes for Beseler and Beseler/Minolta 45A Enlarger Light Source heads have been discontinued by Beseler and are no longer available new...

Our price: CA$40.00
Quantity Out of stock

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