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LPL 3301D 35mm Condenser Enlarger and Copy Stand
...aseboard built-in 39mm threaded lensboard converts to copy stand includes 35mm negative carrier, 75W opal lamp, red safety filter, and instruction booklet maximum height: 29 (74cm) maxi...

Our price: CA$489.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7452L 4x5 Enlarger with VCCE Variable Contrast Module
...includes reversible 39mm threaded lensboard accepts hinged rotating negative carriers in standard formats optional accessories include a masking attachment, 35mm and 4x5 glass carriers, focus...

Our price: CA$5695.00

Recessed Lens Panel for DeVere 500 series Enlargers with 39mm Hole
...The lensboards are not threaded and a 39mm jam nut or retaining ring is required to secure the lens to the board...

Our price: CA$195.00
Quantity Out of stock
Arkay CP-1000 Darkroom Water Temperature Control Panel, two 1/2" female pipe threaded inlets, one outlet with 1/2" female pipe threads, checkstops, a combination ball valve shutoff on the outlet side, and steel cabinet with stainless steel face, ...

LPL 7452L 4x5 Enlarger with B&W Diffusion Module
...includes reversible 39mm threaded lens panel accepts hinged rotating negative carriers in standard formats optional accessories include a masking attachment,35mm and 4x5 glasscarriers, focus ...

Our price: CA$4895.00
Quantity Out of stock
Extended Lensboard with 32.5mm Hole for Beseler 23C and 4x5 Enlargers - Used
...The lensboards are not threaded - a 32.5mm retaining ring (jam nut) is required to mount the lens...

Our price: CA$105.00
Quantity Out of stock
Flat Lensboard with 42mm Hole & Pilot Light for Beseler 4x5 Enlargers - Used
...The lensboards have a counterbore on the rear, and are not threaded - a 42mm retaining ring (jam nut) is required to mount the lens...

Our price: CA$84.00
Omega #421-943 Flat Oval Lens Plate with 25mm Hole
...These lens plates are not threaded - a 25mm retaining ring is required to mount the lens - available separately if required...

Our price: CA$109.00

Arkay Econo REG-1 Darkroom Water Temperature Control Panel
...The regulator includes a 3" diameter dial thermometer, two 1/2" female pipe threaded inlets, one outlet with barbed adapter for 5/8" I.D...

Our price: CA$689.95
Quantity Out of stock
Omega #421-903 Lens Plate with 50mm Hole for D5500 and ProLab II
...Note: These lensboards are not threaded - a 50mm retaining ring is required to mount the lens...

Our price: CA$60.00

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