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Schneider Componar 105mm f4.5 Enlarging Lens for 6x9cm - Used
... Componar 105mm f4.5 lens provides coverage for medium format negatives up to 6x9cm...: These lenses are not supplied with a retaining ring...If a 32.5mm retaining ring is required for your application, it may be added to the order for an additional $10.00 upon request...

Our price: CA$220.00
Heat Absorbing Glass for Omega B22, B7, and B8 Enlargers
...The #473-113 heat absorbing glass assembly fits up in the lamp cap of Omega B-22, B-7, and B-8 condenser enlargers, just under the enlarger lamp...

Our price: CA$40.00
LPL 6600 Double Condenser 6x6 Enlarger with Lens and Carrier - Refurbished
...The LPL 6600 Condenser Enlarger handles multiple negative formats up to 6x6cm...andling negative formats up to 6x6cm filter drawer accepts variable contrast or color printing filters counterbalanced press-to-lift, release-to-lock elevation control column can be revers...

Our price: CA$995.00
Arkay 11x14 Archival Print Washer
...The print rack will accommodate up to twenty 8"x 10" prints, or ten 11"x 14" prints per load...

Our price: CA$495.00
Quantity Out of stock
Premier "Aqua/Vac" Model 1035FW Roll Film Washer
...The model 1035FW holds up to 10 35mm stainless steel or plastic film reels up to 4" in diameter...The 1035FW washer can be supplied with either a threaded garden hose connector, or with a universal rubber bulb coupling that slips easily onto most faucets...

Our price: CA$66.00

Yankee 4x5 Utility Tank with Cover and Floating Lid
...Yankee 4x5 Utility Tanks provide a economical tank for processing sheet film up to 4"x5"on film hangers...It can hold up to 12 film hangers, and the sides have indentations to keep the hangers evenly spaced and separated...

Our price: CA$16.95
Quantity Out of stock
Beseler 45M 4x5 Condenser Lamphouse - Used
...The Beseler cone of light system provides optimum illumination for printing all negative formats up to 4x 5 without requiring the use of auxiliary condensers...The lamphouse includes the set of 6 condenser lenses, lamphouse filter tray and filter support panel, condenser position scale (negative stage indicator), and 150W PH212 opal enlarging lamp...

Our price: CA$950.00
Paterson 12x16 Darkroom Processing Trays - Set of 3 - Used
...Four channels in the bottom of the tray make it easy to pick up prints...

Our price: CA$41.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7700 Triple Condenser 6x7 Enlarger
... Sturdy, easy to use full-featured medium format condenser enlarger handles all negative formats up to all negative formats up to 6x7cm triple condenser system for optimum illumination for all formats XL aluminum girder allows for enlargements up to 16x20 counterbalanced carriage with li...

Our price: CA$2195.00
Quantity Out of stock
Yankee CF-45 Adjustable Sheet Film Daylight Developing Tank
...The Yankee Agitank provides a convenient "daylight" type developing tank for sheet film up to 4"x5"...The rack holds up to 12 sheets of film...Supplied with instruction sheet...

Our price: CA$36.95
Quantity Out of stock

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