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Omega B66 Condenser Enlarger with Lens and Carrier - Refurbished
...The Omega B-66 is the more modern update to the famous B-22 enlarger. Like the B-22, it can handle multiple film formats from 35mm to 2x2, but its revised lamphouse design provides easier access to the condenser lenses and lamp. The lamphouse...

Our price: CA$785.00
Quantity Out of stock
Beseler Lensboard for the Schneider 150mm f/4.0 APO Componon HM
...X, 45MXII, 45MXT * , 45V-XL * , and CB7 4x5 enlargers, and the 810MXT * and 810V-XL * 8x10 enlargers...

Our price: CA$199.00
Quantity Out of stock
Beseler 45M 4x5 Condenser Lamphouse - Used
... This is the condenser lamphouse for Beseler 4x5 series enlargers, including the 45M, 45MX, 45H, 45AF, 45MX II, 45MXT, and 45V-XL...

Our price: CA$950.00
Liner Kit for Beseler 6744 & 8014 35mm Mixing Chamber
...Mixing Chamber for 23CII-XL Dichro Colorhead and 23CIII-XL VC and Dichroic lamphouses...

Our price: CA$22.00
Elevation Gear Replacement Kit for Beseler 23C Enlargers
...Elevation gear replacement kit for Beseler 23C, 67CS, 67SC, 67SD, and 45V-XL enlargers, and the CS-20 copy stand...Fits the following:       Beseler 23C enlargers - all versions Beseler 67CS, 67SC, and 67SD enlargers     Beseler 45V-XL enlargers    Beseler CS-20 copy stand ...

Our price: CA$48.50
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7452L 4x5 Enlarger with B&W Diffusion Module
... up to 4x5 rigid 135cm XL column and steel reinforced 60 x 80cm baseboard counterbalanced carriage with elevation lock and fine elevation control right and left hand focus knobs, with fine ...

Our price: CA$4895.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7452L 4x5 Enlarger with VCCE Variable Contrast Module
... up to 4x5 rigid 135cm XL column and steel reinforced 80 x 60cm baseboard counterbalanced carriage with elevation lock and fine elevation control right and left hand focus knobs, with fine ...

Our price: CA$5695.00

Heavy-Duty Wall Brace for Omega D and E series Enlargers
...mega E Dichroic, and C67-XL and Super Chromega C Dichroic enlargers...

Our price: CA$195.00

Filter Drawer for Omega B-66 Condenser Enlargers
...2-piece filter tray for use in the Omega B-66 Condenser lamphouse. The filter holder accepts standard 3"x 3" (75mm x 75mm) filters, and an upper filter frame is provided to sit on top of the filters and keep them securely in place. The filter...

Our price: CA$58.00

Omega D2V / D-2 Dichroic Enlarger Instruction Manual
...d updated Omega D-2 & D2-XL Enlarger Manual which is more comprehensive, also covers the Super Chromega D Dichroic colorhead, and includes parts lists and parts diagrams...

Our price: CA$10.95

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