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Beseler Cadet II 35mm Enlarger Instruction Manual
...Topics covered in this manual include:  Introduction Unpacking Important Safeguards Assembly Using the Cadet II Keeping It Like New Parts diagram ...

Our price: CA$6.95
Beseler 23CIII-XL Enlarger Instruction Manual
...This deluxe reproduction features a comb binding so it will lie flat for easy reference, front and back covers on heavy cover stock, and a clear plastic cover page for added protection and durability...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler 67CP Enlarger Instruction Manual
... High quality copy of the original Beseler instruction manual for 67CP and 67CP2 condenser and dichroic 6x7 format enlargers...This deluxe reproduction features a comb binding so it will lie flat for easy reference, front and back covers on heavy cover stock, and a clear plastic cover page for added protection and durability...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler 23C-II (early style) Enlarger Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original Beseler instruction manual for early 23C II and 23C II XL condenser enlargers...This deluxe reproduction features a comb binding so it will lie flat for easy reference, front and back covers on heavy cover stock, and a clear plastic cover page for added protection and durability...

Our price: CA$10.95
Refurbishing Kit for Beseler 23C and 23C-II Enlargers
... The Beseler #7010 Refurbishing Kit contains common replacement parts for servicing 23C and 23C-II enlargers...Kit contains the following parts: Elevation gears and roll pins (2 each) Carriage elevation lock kit (1 set) Right side neg...

Our price: CA$185.50

Chromega B-8 / B8 Halogen Enlarger Instruction Manual
...alogen Enlarger Lenses and Lensmounts Chromega B Halogen Lamphouse Attaching to a B7 or B8 Condenser Enlarger Power Supply Negative Carriers How To Operate the B8 Very Small Magnifi...

Our price: CA$10.95
Baseboard Foot Assembly for LPL and Saunders/LPL 4x5 Enlargers
... The rubber feet on the baseboards of LPL 4x5 enlargers consist of three parts - a hard plastic core, a wood screw to attach the core to the baseboard, and a rubber boot that slips over the core...

Our price: CA$12.50
Under Lens Filter Holder for Beseler Printmaker and 67-series Enlargers
... This kit allows you to easily add or replace the under lens filter holder on Printmaker, 67C, 67CP, 67XL, 67CS, 67SC, and other Beseler 67 series enlargers...g washer, retaining nut, and installation instructions.  Accepts standard Beseler #8040 red safety filter, under-the-lens type variable contrast filters, etc...

Our price: CA$66.00
Quantity Out of stock
Flashtubes for White Lightning Ultra - UV-coated, banana jack leads
... Replacement UV-coated 5200K flash tubes for later White Lightning Ultra 600, Ultra 1200, and Ultra 1800 flash units...Note: The White Lightning items supplied by KHB Photografix are primarily for the convenience of Canadian and international customers...

Our price: CA$117.00
Sync Cord - 12", PC to 1/8" (3.5mm) Mono Plug for the AlienBees ABR800
...This is the standard sync cord supplied with the ABR800 Ringflash, but can also be used with other flash units with sync cord jacks that accept the 3.5mm mono plug...items supplied by KHB Photografix are primarily for the convenience of Canadian and international customers...

Our price: CA$14.00

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