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Omega #421-173 Extended Lens Cone for D-3, D-4, E, F, and B-series Enlargers
...Please refer to the enlarger manual or our Omega Enlarger Guide to confirm that this is the correct lens mount for your application...

Our price: CA$248.00

Schneider Componar-C 75mm f4.0 Enlarging Lens for 6x6cm Negatives - Used
...If a 39mm retaining ring is required for your application, it may be purchased as an accessory - please see the separate listings under Rings and Adapters...

Our price: CA$230.00
Quantity Out of stock
Fujinon-EX 135mm f5.6 Enlarging Lens for 4"x5" Negatives - Used
...e: If required for your application, a 53mm lens mounting flange is available and may be purchased with the lens at the special price of $15.00...

Our price: CA$350.00
Quantity Out of stock
Rodenstock Eurygon 80mm f/4.0 Enlarging Lens for 6X9 Negatives - Used
...If a 39mm retaining ring is required for your application, it may be purchased as an accessory - please see the separate listings under Rings and Adapters...

Our price: CA$380.00
Quantity Out of stock
Schneider Componon 28mm f/4.0 Enlarging Lens for Small Format Negatives - Used
...If a 39mm retaining ring is required for your application, it may be purchased as an accessory - please see the separate listings under Rings and Adapters...

Our price: CA$325.00
Quantity Out of stock
Rodenstock Omegaron 105mm f4.5 Enlarging Lens for 6x9cm - Used
...If a 39mm retaining ring is required for your application, it may be purchased as an accessory - please see the separate listings under Rings and Adapters...

Our price: CA$240.00
EL-Omegar 75mm f/3.5 Enlarging Lens for 6x6cm Negatives - Used
...If a 39mm retaining ring is required for your application, it may be purchased as an accessory - please see the separate listings under Rings and Adapters ...

Our price: CA$130.00
Omega #421-153 Extended Lens Cone for D-3, D-4, B, E , and F series Enlargers - Used
...Please refer to the enlarger manual or our Omega Enlarger Guide to confirm that this is the correct lens mount for your application...

Our price: CA$185.00

Omega #421-156 Extended Lens Cone for D-3, D-4, E, F, and B-series Enlargers
...Please refer to the enlarger manual or our Omega Enlarger Guide to confirm that this is the correct lens mount for your application...

Our price: CA$248.00

Omega #421-155 Extended Lens Cone for D-3, D-4, E, F, and B-series Enlargers
...Please refer to the enlarger manual or our Omega Enlarger Guide to confirm that this is the correct lens mount for your application...

Our price: CA$248.00

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