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Results 41 to 50 of 50 for Lens mounts Sort By:
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Omega Super Chromega F Dichroic II 8x10 Enlarger Manual Negative Carriers Lens, Lens Mounts, Lens Discs and    Magnification Ratios Black & White Printing Routine Maintenance Accessories ...

Our price: CA$12.00
Red Safety Filter Assembly for Durst Enlargers
... Red safety filter assembly for some smaller Durst enlargers on which the red filter mounts directly to the lens stage without a mounting post, including the B30, C35, C65, M370, and M670...

Our price: CA$48.00
Lower Bellows for Beseler 45M, 45MX and 45MXII 4x5 Enlargers - Used
...We can supply either the early type which mounts to both the lens and negative stages with screws or the later type which was screwed to the lens stage and glued to the negative stage...

Our price: CA$135.00
Quantity Out of stock
39mm x 6.5mm Enlarger Lens Adapter for the Beseler 3-Lens Turret
... Although many lenses with 39mm Leica mounting thread can be mounted directly on the Beseler 3-lens turret, on certain lenses, such as the Rodagon-G 50mm, WA-Componon 40mm, Rodagon 80mm, and EL-...

Our price: CA$135.00
Quantity Out of stock
39mm x 11.5mm Enlarger Lens Adapter for the Beseler 3-Lens Turret
... Although many lenses with 39mm Leica mounting thread can be mounted directly on the Beseler 3-lens turret, on certain lenses, such as the EL-Nikkor 63mm, Rodagon 135mm, WA-Componon 60mm, Apo-Co...

Our price: CA$145.00
Quantity Out of stock
50mm x 21mm Enlarger Lens Adapter for the Beseler 3-Lens Turret
... The Beseler 3-lens turret is designed to accept lenses with 39mm Leica mounting thread...This means that some longer focal length lenses with 50mm mounting thread, such as the Rodagon 150mm, Componon-S 135mm, and Componon-S 150mm, cannot be mounted directly on the turret...

Our price: CA$165.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega #404-866 3-Lens Turret for early D6 Enlargers - Used
... Early D-6 enlargers were equipped with an early version of the 3-lens turret...Later on, the lens stage casting was changed and a revised turret was supplied...The 3-Len Turret allows the user to change lenses quickly, by simply rotating the turret to position the desired lens...

Our price: CA$195.00
Omega #421-901 3-Lens Turret for D5500 and ProLab II Enlargers
... A 3-Lens Turret allows the user to change lenses quickly, by simply rotating the turret to position the desired lens...Accepts lenses from 50mm to 150mm with 39mm Leica mounting thread...For lenses with other mounting thread, the appropriate lens plate is required...

Our price: CA$346.00

Under Lens Filter Holder for Beseler Printmaker and 67-series Enlargers
... This kit allows you to easily add or replace the under lens filter holder on Printmaker, 67C, 67CP, 67XL, 67CS, 67SC, and other Beseler 67 series filter, under-the-lens type variable contrast filters, etc...

Our price: CA$66.00
Quantity Out of stock
Under Lens Filter Holder Assembly for Beseler 45MXT and 45V-XL Enlargers
... Because the lens stage on Beseler 45MXT and 45VXL enlargers was redesigned to accept the 3-lens turret, these models require a different under lens filter holder than is used on the older models...

Our price: CA$145.00
Quantity Out of stock

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