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Beseler Cadet II 35mm Enlarger Instruction Manual
...Topics covered in this manual include:  Introduction Unpacking Important Safeguards Assembly Using the Cadet II Keeping It Like New Parts diagram ...

Our price: CA$6.95
Beseler 23CIII-XL Enlarger Instruction Manual
... the manual include:  Parts Illustration Specifications Assembly Instructions Lens Selection and Mounting Inserting the Negative Positioning the Condenser Stage Elevation and Focus...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler 67CP Enlarger Instruction Manual
...10 pages plus parts diagram...nce Accessories plus parts diagrams and parts lists ...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler 23C-II (early style) Enlarger Instruction Manual
...10 pages plus parts diagram...II-XL Specifications   Parts Illustration    Assembly Instructions Positioning the Condenser Stage The Negative Carrier Lenses and the Lens Stage Negative Distortion Control Horizon...

Our price: CA$10.95
Refurbishing Kit for Beseler 23C and 23C-II Enlargers
... The Beseler #7010 Refurbishing Kit contains common replacement parts for servicing 23C and 23C-II enlargers...Kit contains the following parts: Elevation gears and roll pins (2 each) Carriage elevation lock kit (1 set) Right side neg...

Our price: CA$185.50

Chromega B-8 / B8 Halogen Enlarger Instruction Manual List of Principal Parts How to Assemble the B8 Halogen Enlarger Lenses and Lensmounts Chromega B Halogen Lamphouse Attaching to a B7 or B8 Condenser Enlarger Power Supply Negat...

Our price: CA$10.95
Baseboard Foot Assembly for LPL and Saunders/LPL 4x5 Enlargers
... The rubber feet on the baseboards of LPL 4x5 enlargers consist of three parts - a hard plastic core, a wood screw to attach the core to the baseboard, and a rubber boot that slips over the core...

Our price: CA$12.50
Under Lens Filter Holder for Beseler Printmaker and 67-series Enlargers contains all required parts - the filter holder, special shoulder screw, spring washer, retaining nut, and installation instructions.  Accepts standard Beseler #8040 red safety filter, under-t...

Our price: CA$66.00
Quantity Out of stock
Flashtubes for White Lightning Ultra - UV-coated, banana jack leads
...customers requiring parts or service contact Paul C...

Our price: CA$117.00
Sync Cord - 12", PC to 1/8" (3.5mm) Mono Plug for the AlienBees ABR800
...customers requiring parts or service contact Paul C...

Our price: CA$14.00

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