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GraLab 500 Digital Darkroom Timer - Used
...The large red LED display has Hi and Low settings, and the timer has optional metronome and end of time audio alerts...lus Clear button high red LED display with Hi and Low settings end of time audio alert with Off switch grounded Enlarger (700W) and Safelight (300W) outlets metronome function with Off s...

Our price: CA$195.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega C700 6x7 Condenser Enlarger - Refurbished
...Supplied with 120V 75W opal enlarging lamp, condenser lenses, filter drawer, red safety filter, and instruction manual...

Our price: CA$425.00
Omega C700 6x7 Condenser Enlarger
...r lenses, filter drawer, red safety filter, and instruction manual...

Our price: CA$595.00
Omega C700 Condenser Enlarger with Lens and Negative Carrier - Refurbished
...Supplied with 120V 75W opal enlarging lamp, condenser lenses, filter drawer, red safety filter, 50mm f/3.5 enlarging lens, 35mm negative carrier, and instruction manual...

Our price: CA$615.00
Omega C67-XL Condenser Enlarger - Refurbished
...nder-lens filter holder, red safety filter, one #421-017 39mm lens mount, and a copy of the C67 instruction manual...

Our price: CA$995.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega B66 Condenser Enlarger with Lens and Carrier - Refurbished
...nder-lens filter holder, red safety filter, lens mount, 50mm f/4 Nikon EL-Nikkor enlarging lens, lens retaining ring, 35mm negative carrier, and a copy of the B-66 instruction manual...

Our price: CA$785.00
Quantity Out of stock
FXD (X-Ray) Filter Set for Thomas Duplex Safelights
...The filters in Thomas Duplex Super Safelights will deteriorate with age and should be examined periodically to ensure that the light is still properly filtered...For a complete set of filters for the DUX model, you will also require a set of FOD (red edge) filters to fit in the vanes...

Our price: CA$90.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega B66 Condenser Enlarger - Refurbished
...nder-lens filter holder, red safety filter, one #421-017 39mm lens mount, and a copy of the B-66 instruction manual...

Our price: CA$555.00
Omega B600 Condenser Enlarger - Refurbished
...The refurbished enlarger comes complete with enlarging lamp, condenser lenses, filter drawer, red safety filter and a copy of the B600 instruction manual...

Our price: CA$395.00
Saunders/LPL 670DXL Dichroic Colour 6x7 Enlarger - Refurbished
...m threaded lensboard and red safety filter accepts hinged glassless carriers in standard formats optional accessories include a universal glass masking carrier,fine focus attachment, focusing...

Our price: CA$2995.00

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