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Kodak No. 10 Dark Amber 5x7 Safelight Filter - Used
...Please refer to the product data sheet packed with the material you are using to confirm that this is the recommended safelight filter for that specific material...Supplied with a copy of the Kodak Safelight Filters data sheet, which includes instructions for safelight testing...

Our price: CA$35.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega Digital Enlarging Timer, 120V - Used
...Supplied with instruction sheet...

Our price: CA$275.00
Quantity Out of stock
FXD (X-Ray) Filter Set for Thomas Duplex Safelights
...To view the instruction sheet for Thomas Duplex safelights, please click here ...

Our price: CA$90.00
Quantity Out of stock
Premier Light Red 1A type 8"x 10" Safelight Filter
...Please refer to the product data sheet packed with the material you are using to confirm that this is the recommended safelight filter for that specific material...

Our price: CA$55.00
Voltage Stabilized Power Supply for Saunders/LPL 4x5 Enlargers
...Supplied with instruction sheet...

Our price: CA$819.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL ET-500 Digital Enlarger Timer - 220/240V
...(750g) 220-240VAC 50/60Hz operation made in Japan comes with instruction sheet and 1-year warranty ...

Our price: CA$375.00

Simma 11x14 Print Processing Drum - Used
...Supplied with three paper guides, two print separators, instruction sheet, and centering ring for use with the Simma-Roller motor base...

Our price: CA$49.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL ET-500 Digital Enlarger Timer - 120V
...(750g) 120VAC 50/60Hz operation made in Japan comes with instruction sheet and 1-year warranty ...

Our price: CA$375.00

Ilford Perceptol B&W Film Developer - 1 Litre
... for the Canada/USA data sheet for the powder concentrate Part A click here - for the Canada/USA data sheet for the powder concentrate Part B click here - for a Safety Data sheet for the st...

Our price: CA$12.50
Quantity Out of stock
Beseler 16x20 Print Processing Drum - Used
...Supplied with instruction sheet...

Our price: CA$85.00
Quantity Out of stock

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