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6x7 Negative Carrier for Omega D Series Enlargers
...Note: Omega has supplied the #423-356 carriers in two different finishes - white upper and black lower, and all black finish (pictured)...

Our price: CA$149.00

6x6 Negative Carrier for Beseler 67-series Enlargers
...fferent versions - black upper and lower (pictured), aluminum upper and black lower, and all aluminum...

Our price: CA$160.00

6x4.5 Negative Carrier for Beseler 67-series Enlargers versions - aluminum upper and black lower (pictured), black upper and black lower, and all aluminum...

Our price: CA$160.00

6x6 Rapid Shift Glass Negative Carrier for Omega D Series Enlargers
...Note: Omega has supplied the #423-323 carriers in three different finishes - brushed aluminum, white upper and black lower, and all black finish...

Our price: CA$219.00

Universal Glass Carrier for LPL 6700 & 7700 Enlargers
...The Universal Glass Carrier comes with clear upper and lower glasses and accepts optional anti-Newton top glass glassless inserts (see related products below)...

Our price: CA$239.00

Triple Condenser Lamphouse for LPL 7700 Enlargers
...mphouse is supplied with upper and lower main condenser lenses, auxiliary condenser lens for 50mm and shorter focal length lenses, filter drawer, 120V 75W opal enlarging lamp, three-wire grounded...

Our price: CA$825.00
Quantity Out of stock
Auxiliary Condenser Lens Assembly for LPL 7700 Enlargers
...3, and is inserted into the upper slot above the main condensers and filter drawer...

Our price: CA$70.00
Master Negative Carrier for DeVere 5108 8x10 Enlargers - Used
...The carrier supplied will have a white upper plate and black lower plate...

Our price: CA$495.00
Quantity Out of stock
Slide Bearings for Beseler 45MX series and 45V-XL 4x5 Enlargers
...On MX series enlargers, including the 45MX, 45MCRX, 45MX II, and 45MXT, there are a total of 6 - 2 each on the lens stage, lower negative stage, and upper bellows stage...On the 45V-XL they are only used on the upper negative stage...

Our price: CA$31.50
Quantity Out of stock

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