Rodagon 6-element 35mm enlarging lens for small format negatives up to 24 x 24mm.
6-element Rodenstock Rodagon-WA 40mm f/4.0 wide angle enlarging lens for 35mm format negatives
EL-Nikkor 50mm f2.8 6-element enlarging lens with later style barrel design.
High quality 6-element Omicron-EL 50mm f2.8 enlarging lens
Premium quality 6-element APO-Rodagon N enlarging lens for 35mm negatives from Rodenstock.
Rodagon 6-element enlarging lens for 35mm negatives from Rodenstock.
Rodagon 6-element enlarging lens for 35mm negatives from Rodenstock.
Rogonar-S 4-element enlarging lens for 35mm negatives from Rodenstock.
Rogonar-S 4-element enlarging lens for 35mm negatives from Rodenstock.
3-element Schneider Componar-C 50mm f2.8 enlarging lens for 35mm format negatives