Red Safety Filter to fit the under-lens filter holder on most Omega enlargers
Portrait Diffusion Grid for mounting on Omega B-66, B-22, and C-67 enlargers, or hand-held use with any enlarger.
Adapter bracket for mounting a C760 Dichroic or C-700 Super Chromega colorhead on an Omega C-700 or B-600 enlarger chassis.
Replacement Red Filter Kit for Omega B600, B635, and C700 Enlargers
Provides an additional 18" extension for our Flexible Focus Extension Kits for Omega and Beseler enlargers.
Spare quick-connect adapter knob for use with our Flexible Focus Extension Kit that fits the Micromega Dual Range microfocus accessory.
Spare quick-connect adapter knob for use with our Flexible Focus Extension Kit that fits Omega D-2, D-3, D-4, E-5, and E-6 Enlargers
Spare quick-connect adapter knob for use with our Flexible Focus Extension Kit that fits Omega D-5, D-6, and Super Chromega E Dichroic Enlargers
Heat Absorbing Glass assembly for Omega B-22, B-7, and B-8 condenser enlargers.
Copy Camera Attachment for Omega B-22, B-66, B-600, B635, & C-700 Enlargers