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Results 11 to 15 of 15 for Grade Sort By:
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Ilford 6" x 6" Multigrade Filter Set
... A set of 12 Multigrade Filters, ranging from contrast grade 00 to 5 in grade steps, for use with Ilford Multigrade and other compatible variable contrast photographic papers...Each filter is embossed with the grade number in the upper left corner for easy identification...

Our price: CA$74.50
Quantity Out of stock
Ilford 3½" x 3½" Multigrade Filter Set
...A set of 12 Multigrade Filters, ranging from contrast grade 00 to 5 in ½ grade steps, for use with Ilford Multigrade and other compatible variable contrast photographic papers...Each filter is embossed with the grade number in the upper left corner for easy identification...

Our price: CA$39.00
Quantity Out of stock
Ilford Under-the-Lens Multigrade Filter Kit
... A set of 12 Multigrade Filters specifically designed to be used under the enlarging lens...The grade number is printed on the handle of each filter...The kit includes 12 Multigrade filters, ranging from grade 00 to grade 5 in grade increments, red safety filter, storage box with cover, universal filter holder, mounting adapter, mounting hardw...

Our price: CA$127.50
Quantity Out of stock
LPL VC6700 Variable Contrast 6x7 Enlarger - Refurbished
... in the desired contrast grade, while exposure settings remain the same - with the compact, sturdy, and economical LPL 6600/6700 enlarger chassis, which handles negative formats up to 6x7cm 00-5 contrast grade settings for variable contrast papers, and can be used for printing on graded BW papers as well exposure settings remain constant through contrast adjustments w...

Our price: CA$1195.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7451 4x5 Enlarger with VCCE Variable Contrast Module
...Contrast can be adjusted anywhere from grade 00 to grade 5 without having to make any exposure compensation...ble contrast scales from grade 00 to grade 5 white light switch for focusing and image composition carriage can be reversed for floor projection quick change lensmount system reference sc...

Our price: CA$5095.00
Quantity Out of stock

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