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Voltage Stabilizer for Omega C760 and C-700 Dichroic Colorheads
...For color printing a voltage stabilizer is virtually mandatory. Voltage fluctuations not only affect the light output, but the color temperature of the light as well, making it difficult if not impossible to achieve the correct color balance....

Our price: CA$225.00

Yankee Filter Funnel - 16 fl. oz. / 500ml
...The fine mesh stainless steel filter strains out undissolved solid matter...

Our price: CA$5.95
Quantity Out of stock
Elevation Drive Roller Assembly for Omega D5500 Enlargers
...Our custom drive roller assembly uses solid rollers, fitted with resilient sleeves to provide the proper friction surface...

Our price: CA$189.00
Quantity Out of stock
Focus Assembly for Omega C760 Enlargers - Remanufactured
...After the first two years of production, Omega replaced this design with one using spring-loaded solid rollers with tension adjusters, as shown in the picture below...

Our price: CA$220.00
Lift Lever for LPL, Saunders/LPL and Omega/LPL 4x5 Enlargers
...For school and institutional situations in which the enlargers get heavy use, we also have a heavy-duty solid metal replacement - please see Related Items below...

Our price: CA$20.50
Quantity Out of stock
Lift Lever for LPL, Saunders/LPL and Omega/LPL 4x5 Enlargers - Heavy-Duty
...If you need a replacement for the original part, this solid metal lever is a direct replacement...

Our price: CA$33.50
Quantity Out of stock

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