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Ilford Ilfospeed Multigrade 400 Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the Operating Manual for the Ilford Ilfospeed Multigrade 400 variable contrast light source system...

Our price: CA$10.95
Ilford Multigrade 600 Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original Operating Manual for the Ilford Multigrade 600 variable contrast light source system...

Our price: CA$15.00
4x5 Mixing Box for Beseler and Beseler/Minolta 45A Colorheads - Used
...Replacement 4x5 mixing chamber for Beseler and Beseler/Minolta #8289 (120V) and #8290 (230V) 45A Enlarger Light Source Colorheads...

Our price: CA$175.00
Dichroic Color Lamphouse for LPL 7700 & Saunders/LPL 670XL Enlargers
...Not only does it provide great convenience for color printing, it is also an excellent diffusion light source for printing BW...

Our price: CA$1995.00
Beseler 45V-XL 4x5 Enlarger Instruction Manual
...been fitted with a light source other than the condenser lamphouse, you will also require the appropriate manual for that system...

Our price: CA$10.95
Omega D5500 CLS Dichroic Lamphouse Instruction Manual
...hamber to a Common Light Source Density Probe Operating Instructions Brightness Controls for LED and Panel Illumination Dual pedal Footswitch Operation Audible Tone On/Off Switch Displa...

Our price: CA$11.95
Beseler 45MXII 45MX II 4x5 Enlarger Instruction Manual
...been fitted with a light source other than the condenser lamphouse, you will also require the appropriate manual for that system...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler 45MX / 45MCRX Enlarger Instruction Manual
...been fitted with a light source other than the condenser lamphouse, you will also require the appropriate manual for that system...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler CB7 (late model) Enlarger Instruction Manual
...been fitted with a light source other than the condenser lamphouse, you will also require the appropriate manual for that system...

Our price: CA$10.95
Beseler 45MXT 4x5 Enlarger Instruction Manual
...been fitted with a light source other than the condenser lamphouse, you will also require the appropriate manual for that system...

Our price: CA$10.95

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