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Results 41 to 50 of 50 for Adjustment Sort By:
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Elevation Gear Replacement Kit for Omega Enlargers
...And we include instructions for installation and adjustment of the gears...

Our price: CA$72.50
Quantity Out of stock
35mm Alignment Negative for Omega C760 Enlargers
...The image has focusing targets in the four corners and center to make it easy to determine if adjustment is needed...

Our price: CA$16.95
Quantity Out of stock
Premier 2½" Adjustable Luminous Dial Thermometer
... Includes tray clip and adjustment wrench     ...

Our price: CA$27.95
Quantity Out of stock
Condenser Position Scale Kit for Beseler 4x5 Enlargers
...Beseler 4x5 condenser enlargers use a scale on the right side of the upper bellows assembly for correct positioning of the condenser set for different negative formats. This is the part Beseler refers to as the Negative Stage Guide or Negative...

Our price: CA$46.50
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7700 6x7 Condenser Enlarger Instruction Manual
...istortion Control Lamp Adjustment Optional Accessories ...

Our price: CA$9.95
LPL 7700 6x7 Dichroic Colour Enlarger Instruction Manual
...istortion Control Lamp Adjustment Optional Accessories ...

Our price: CA$9.95
Auxiliary Focusing Attachment for Omega D-3, D-4, B, E, and F series Enlargers - Used
...On autofocus enlargers the attachment can be used to provide a secondary manual focus adjustment...

Our price: CA$195.00
Omega B600 Condenser Enlarger with Lens, Negative Carrier and Easel - Refurbished
... adjusters, border width adjustment, and handles paper sizes up to 8 x10...

Our price: CA$665.00
Premier 8x10 2-Blade Adjustable Darkroom Easel
...des in position border adjustment with markings for 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 borders 14 x 11 x 2 (35.5cm x 28.6cm x 5cm) dimensions ...

Our price: CA$74.50
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 8x10 2-Blade Adjustable Darkroom Easel
...This easel features all metal construction, scales marked in inches and centimeters, and border size adjustment...

Our price: CA$99.00
Quantity Out of stock

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