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Premier Model T2-C Flat Bed Print Dryer
..."flat bed" dryer for fiber-base and RC papers. This is a "flipper" type dryer with twin 12"x 17" chrome plated drying surfaces, top and bottom. Each side is capable of drying one 11"x 14", two 8"x 10", or eight 4"x 5" prints. The temperature is...

Our price: CA$279.00
Quantity Out of stock
Arkay Model RC-500A Filter Flow RC Print Dryer
...Arkay RC-500 Print Dryer provides a gentle stream of filtered, thermostatically controlled warm air to quickly and efficiently dry B&W and colour RC prints. The dryer comes with four pull-out shelves to accommodate four 11"x 14" or eight 8"x 10"...

Our price: CA$795.00
Quantity Out of stock
Yankee 11x14 Darkroom Developing Trays - set of 3
...Yankee Agitrays are lightweight, tough and stain resistant. Agitrays have shallow ribs on the bottom, raised at both ends for easy print removal. Three small "feet" molded into the bottom of the trays provide for agitation by a simple rocking...

Our price: CA$49.50
Beseler 67CP Condenser Enlarger with Lens and Carrier - Refurbished
...Prints up to 11"x14" can easily be made on the baseboard, while even larger prints are possible by reversing the column and projecting onto the floor... or horizontally up to 11"x14" prints on the baseboard for even larger prints, column can be reversed for floor projection  optional dichroic lamphouse available 14" x 19" baseboard max...

Our price: CA$649.00
Quantity Out of stock
Paterson 12x16 Darkroom Processing Trays - Set of 3
...developing trays for 11" x 14" prints in white, red and grey. Oversize trays provide extra room for print agitation. The trays feature reinforced edges for strength and rigidity, a molded-in thermometer well and pouring lip. Four channels in...

Our price: CA$49.50

Arkay 11x14 Archival Print Washer
...Arkay Model 1 11x14 Archival Print Washer provides a durable and efficient archival type washer for fiber base and RC prints. The washer features an overflow design, providing fast exchange of wash water, with an additional fixer port to ensure...

Our price: CA$495.00
Quantity Out of stock
Beseler 11x14 4-Blade Adjustable Darkroom Easel - Used
..."x5", 5"x7", 8"x10", and 11"x14" dual spring-loaded hinge arms allow one-handed operation made in USA ...

Our price: CA$270.00
Quantity Out of stock
Saunders 11x14 V-Track 4-Blade Darkroom Easel - Used
...s for 5"x7", 8"x10", and 11"x14" paper counterbalanced frame assembly with dual lift arms full size base pad keeps easel in place and protects baseboard    made in USA ...

Our price: CA$275.00
Quantity Out of stock
Saunders 14x17 4-Blade Adjustable Darkroom Easel - Used
...s for 5"x7", 8"x10", and 11"x14" paper masking frame snaps out for use as a single size 14"x17" easel locking hinge holds frame open, leaving hands free for paper insertion    full size base p...

Our price: CA$349.00
Quantity Out of stock

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