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Results 1 to 6 for Apo Sort By:
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Beseler Lensboard for the Schneider 150mm f/4.0 APO Componon HM
...r mounting the Schneider APO Componon HM 150mm lens on Beseler enlargers, including the 45M, 45MX, 45MCRX, 45MXII, 45MXT * , 45V-XL * , and CB7 4x5 enlargers, and the 810MXT * and 810V-XL * 8x1...

Our price: CA$199.00
Quantity Out of stock
Rodenstock APO-Rodagon N 50mm f2.8 Enlarging Lens for 35mm Negatives - Used
... The APO-Rodagon N 50mm f2.8 is Rodenstocks highest quality lens for 35mm negatives...The APO-Rodagon delivers an outstanding level of sharpness, contrast, and correction for chromatic aberration...

Our price: CA$625.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega #421-934 Lensmount for 150mm APO-Componon HM Lenses
... This is a special lensmount specifically designed for mounting the Schneider 150mm f/4.0 APO-Componon HM enlarging lens on Omega D-5 and D-6 enlargers...

Our price: CA$198.00
Quantity Out of stock
55mm Enlarger Lens Mounting Flange
... For mounting lenses with 55mm x .75 mounting thread, such as the Schneider 150mm APO Componon HM...

Our price: CA$75.00
39mm x 11.5mm Enlarger Lens Adapter for the Beseler 3-Lens Turret
...135mm, WA-Componon 60mm, Apo-Componon HM 90mm, and Componon-S 100mm, the rear element extends beyond the mounting thread far enough that it would prevent rotation of the turret...

Our price: CA$145.00
Quantity Out of stock
55mm Threaded Lens Board for LPL 4x5 Enlargers
... Threaded LPL lens board for enlarging lenses with 55mm mounting thread, such as the Schneider APO Componon HM 150mm lens...

Our price: CA$94.00

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