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Results 1 to 10 of 50 for Assembly Sort By:
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Red Safety Filter Assembly for LPL 6600 and 6700 Enlargers
... Red safety filter assembly for LPL 6600 condenser enlargers and 6700 VCCE and Dichroic color enlargers...The assembly includes the mounting post, filter holder, and red filter...

Our price: CA$59.00
Quantity Out of stock
Red Safety Filter Assembly for LPL 7700 and 4x5 Enlargers
... Red safety filter assembly for LPL 7700 (670XL) and 4x5 enlargers...The assembly includes the mounting post, filter holder, and red filter...

Our price: CA$59.00
Quantity Out of stock
Lock Screw for the Red Filter Assembly on LPL 4x5 Enlargers
... This is the lock knob used to secure the LPL00672 red filter assembly in the lens stage of LPL, Saunders/LPL, and Omega/LPL 4x5 enlargers...

Our price: CA$12.00
Quantity Out of stock
Amber Filter Assembly for De Vere / DeVere Enlargers
... Swingaway amber filter assembly for DeVere vertical enlargers...

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Red Filter Assembly for De Vere / DeVere Enlargers
... Swingaway red filter assembly for DeVere vertical enlargers...

Our price: CA$115.00
Lock Screw for LPL 6600, 6700 and 7700 Red Filter Assembly the red safety filter assembly in the lens stage of LPL, Saunders/LPL, and Omega/LPL 6600 and 6700 enlargers, and LPL 7700, and Saunders/LPL and Omega/LPL 670XL enlargers...

Our price: CA$8.50
Quantity Out of stock
Baseboard Foot Assembly for LPL and Saunders/LPL 4x5 Enlargers
...The rubber feet on the baseboards of LPL 4x5 enlargers consist of three parts - a hard plastic core, a wood screw to attach the core to the baseboard, and a rubber boot that slips over the core. These foot assemblies include all three parts....

Our price: CA$12.50
Under Lens Filter Holder Assembly for Beseler 45MXT and 45V-XL Enlargers
...This filter holder assembly is designed specifically for use on the 45MXT, 45V-XL, 810MXT, and 810V-XL enlargers only...

Our price: CA$145.00
Quantity Out of stock
Blotter Roller Assembly for Arkay RC2100SS Print Dryers
...This is the complete blotter roller assembly, including bearings and blotter sleeve, which can be used to replace either upper or lower blotter roller...

Our price: CA$185.00
Quantity Out of stock
Blotter Roller Assembly for Arkay RC1100SS Print Dryers
...This is the complete blotter roller assembly, including bearings and blotter sleeve, which can be used to replace either upper or lower blotter roller...

Our price: CA$138.00
Quantity Out of stock

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