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Results 1 to 7 for Cooling Sort By:
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Omega Super Chromega D Dichroic II Lamphouse - Refurbished
...oiseless, vibration-free cooling fan use with standard power supply or Chromegatrol stabilized power supply and timer supplied with 4x5 mixing box, 250W lamp and instruction manual R...

Our price: CA$1650.00
Lamp Chamber Cover Assembly for LPL 7700 and Saunders/LPL 670XL Enlargers
...This is the metal casting at the rear of the 7700 Dichroic Color and VCCE enlarger lamphouse that covers the enlarger lamp and has fins to provide convection cooling...

Our price: CA$98.50
Omega Super Chromega C Dichroic 6x7 Enlarger - Refurbished
... quiet, vibration free cooling fan voltage stabilized power supply white light lever for focusing and composing large 18 x 26 laminated baseboard up to 16 x 20 size prints on the b...

Our price: CA$1295.00
Quantity Out of stock
Power Supply for Super Chromega C Dichroic Colorheads - Used
...The power supply is specifically configured to provide 21V to the lamp and full line voltage to the lamphouse cooling fan...

Our price: CA$275.00
Light Trap for early Omega D-series Condenser Enlarger - Used
...The light traps allow air circulation for cooling while preventing light leakage...

Our price: CA$17.50
Power Supply for Super Chromega F Dichroic Colorheads - Used
...The power supply provides 22.5V for the enlarger lamps and 120V for the panel lamps and cooling fan...There are receptacles for the lamphouse and cooling fan plugs as well as timer connections...

Our price: CA$950.00
Light Trap for Omega D-series Condenser Enlargers
...The light traps allow air circulation for cooling while preventing light leakage...

Our price: CA$23.50

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