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Results 1 to 10 of 50 for Enlarger lamps Sort By:
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Beseler 5x7 Diffusion Enlarger Instruction Manual
... High quality copy of the original Beseler instruction manual for Beseler 5x7 Diffusion Vignetting enlargers...Covers all variants of this enlarger including the H, M, MVT, HVT, HV, MV, and MT...

Our price: CA$10.95
Omega D-II 4x5 Condenser Enlarger Manual
... High quality copy of the Simmon Omega instruction manual for D-II 4x5 enlargers...: How To Assemble the Enlarger Optical Equipment Lenses, Lensmounts and Condensers Condenser Lamphousing How To Exchange Condensers How To Change The Lamp Omegalite Lamphousing H...

Our price: CA$9.95
LPL 200W 24V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Part #LPL62190 200W/24V Quartz-Halogen replacement lamp for LPL model 7450 and 7451 4x5 Dichroic Colour, VCCE Variable Contrast, and BW Diffusion enlargers with 24V power supplies...24V power supplies are typically supplied with these enlargers in areas with 220V electrical service...

Our price: CA$35.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 250W 24V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
...Part #LPL68476 250W/24V Quartz-Halogen replacement lamp for LPL model 7452 and 7452L 4x5 Dichroic Colour, VCCE Variable Contrast, and B&W Diffusion enlargers with 24V power supplies...24V power supplies are typically supplied with these enlargers in areas with 220V or 240V electrical service...

Our price: CA$32.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 85W 82V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Part #LPL00145 85W/82V Quartz-Halogen replacement lamp for LPL, Saunders/LPL, and Omega/LPL 6700 series Dichroic color and VCCE enlargers sold in the USA and Canada...For lamp information for specific LPL enlargers, please refer to our LPL Enlarger Guide ...

Our price: CA$35.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 250W 82V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Part #LPL00160 250W/82V Quartz-Halogen replacement lamp for for LPL model 7452 and 7452L 4x5 Dichroic Colour, VCCE Variable Contrast, and BW Diffusion enlargers with 82V power supplies...Also for Saunders/LPL model 4550XL and 4550XLG 4x5 Dichroic Color, VCCE Variable Contrast, and BW Diffusion enlargers...

Our price: CA$38.00
LPL 200W 82V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Part #LPL00155 200W 82V quartz-halogen reflector lamp for for LPL model 7450 and 7451 4x5 Dichroic Colour, VCCE Variable Contrast, and BW Diffusion enlargers with 82V power supplies...Also for Saunders/LPL model 4500 and 4500-II 4x5 Dichroic Color, VCCE Variable Contrast, and BW Diffusion enlargers...

Our price: CA$54.00
LPL 100W 12V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Part #LPL00140 100W/12V Quartz-Halogen replacement lamp for for LPL 7700, Saunders/LPL and Omega/LPL 670XL Dichroic color and VCCE enlargers...Also for LPL 6700 series enlargers with external power supply as sold outside the USA and Canada...

Our price: CA$48.00
LPL PH140 75W 120V Condenser Enlarger Lamp
...PL 6600 670XL condenser enlargers in countries with a 120 Volt power grid (or with a step-down transformer in other regions)...May also be used in other enlargers where a PH140 enlarging lamp is specified...

Our price: CA$12.50
75W 12V Enlarger Lamp for the Leitz Focomat V35 Enlarger
... 75W 12V quartz-halogen reflector lamp for Leitz Focomat V35 enlargers...Fits all Focomat V35 enlargers with the exception of very early models which use a slightly larger, and now obsolete, Philips #6604 lamp...

Our price: CA$38.00

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