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Flexible Focus Extension for LPL 4x5 and 7700 Enlargers
... When making big enlargements, accurate focusing can be difficult when you cant reach the focus knob while keeping your head near the surface of the easel to check focus...For owners of LPL and Jobo/LPL 4x5 and 7700 enlargers, and Saunders/LPL and Omega/LPL 4x5 and 670XL enlargers, this Flexible Focus Extension can make focusing much easier...

Our price: CA$175.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega Super Chromega C Dichroic 6x7 Enlarger - Refurbished
... The Super Chromega-C Dichroic is a professional quality medium format enlarger built to the same standards as Omegas famous D-series 4x5 enlargers...With the extra long column, enlargements up to 16x 20 can be made on the baseboard, while even larger magnifications are possible by reversing the column and projecting onto the floor...

Our price: CA$1295.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega C67-XL Condenser Enlarger - Refurbished
... The Omega C67-XL is a professional quality medium format enlarger built to the same standards as Omegas famous D-series 4x5 enlargers...With the extra long column, enlargements up to 16x 20 can be made on the baseboard, while even larger magnifications are possible by reversing the column and projecting onto the floor...

Our price: CA$995.00
Quantity Out of stock

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