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Results 1 to 10 of 50 for Exposure Sort By:
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Omega CS-25 Auto Exposure Control Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original Omega instruction sheet for the CS-25 Automatic Exposure Control...

Our price: CA$6.95
Omega CS-50 Auto Exposure Control Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original Omega instruction manual for the CS-50 Automatic Exposure Setting Up Manual Exposure Operation Automatic Exposure Operation Black and White Printing Paper Grade Chart Autoexposure Override Special Cases Dodging and Burning Glossary ...

Our price: CA$9.95
Exposure Flashtube for Beseler/Minolta 45A Colorheads - Used
... We offer these used exposure flash tubes in excellent condition...

Our price: CA$40.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega Chromegatron Pro-Lab Color Analyzer Instruction Manual
...High quality copy of the original Omega instruction manual for the Chromegatron Pro-Lab Color Analyzer and Exposure Meter...

Our price: CA$10.95
Omega Super Chromegatron Color Analyzer Instruction Manual
... High quality copy of the original Omega instruction manual for the Super Chromegatron Color and Exposure Analyzer...

Our price: CA$10.95
Omega #461-014 Precision Timer II Instruction Manual
...Topics covered in the instructions include:  Description Principal Features Connecting Timer Focusing Setting Exposure Time Making Exposure Specifications Schematic Diagram ...

Our price: CA$6.95
Omega CT25 Digital Enlarging Timer Instruction Manual
...Topics covered in the instructions include:  Description Principal Features Connecting Timer Focusing Setting Exposure Time Making Exposure Specifications Schematic Diagram ...

Our price: CA$6.95
6x7 E-B Mixing Chamber for Chromega E Dichroic Enlargers
...That means that when working with 4"x 5" and smaller formats, a good deal of the light output is wasted, and exposure times may become lengthy...

Our price: CA$498.00

4x5 E-D Mixing Chamber for Chromega E Dichroic Enlargers
...That means that when working with 4"x 5" and smaller formats, a good deal of the light output is wasted, and exposure times may become lengthy...

Our price: CA$498.00

Light Attenuator Set for Omega C700 and C760 Colorheads
... Controlling exposures can be quite a challenge...You need your lamphouse to provide high light output so that exposure times are reasonable for large prints...But when making small prints, that amount of light can force extremely short exposures and/or stopping the lens down to a less than optimum aperture...

Our price: CA$54.50

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