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Ilford 3½" x 3½" Multigrade Starter Filter Set
... A starter set of 3 Multigrade Filters of contrast grades #2, #3 #4, for use with Ilford Multigrade and other compatible variable contrast photographic papers...The filters in this set are 3 x 3 (89mm x 89mm) in size to fit the filter drawers of many 35mm and medium format condenser enlargers...

Our price: CA$14.50
Ilford 3½" x 3½" Multigrade Filter Set
...A set of 12 Multigrade Filters, ranging from contrast grade 00 to 5 in ½ grade steps, for use with Ilford Multigrade and other compatible variable contrast photographic papers...The filters in this set are 3½" x 3½" (89mm x 89mm) in size to fit the filter drawers of many 35mm and medium format condenser enlargers...

Our price: CA$39.00
Quantity Out of stock
Ilford 6" x 6" Multigrade Filter Set
... A set of 12 Multigrade Filters, ranging from contrast grade 00 to 5 in grade steps, for use with Ilford Multigrade and other compatible variable contrast photographic papers...The filters in this set are 6x 6 (152mm x 152mm) and can be easily trimmed to fit the filter drawers of Omega, Beseler, and other larger format enlargers...

Our price: CA$74.50
Quantity Out of stock
Paterson 12x16 Darkroom Processing Trays - Set of 3 - Used
...Four channels in the bottom of the tray make it easy to pick up prints...

Our price: CA$41.00
Quantity Out of stock
Paterson 12x16 Darkroom Processing Trays - Set of 3
...Four channels in the bottom of the tray make it easy to pick up prints...

Our price: CA$49.50

Yankee 11x14 Darkroom Developing Trays - set of 3
...The set consists of three trays - one each in white, yellow, and black...

Our price: CA$49.50
Paterson 8x10 Darkroom Processing Trays - Set of 3
...Three channels channels in the bottom of the tray make it easy to pick up the prints...

Our price: CA$20.50

Beseler 45M 4x5 Condenser Lamphouse - Used
...The Beseler cone of light system provides optimum illumination for printing all negative formats up to 4x 5 without requiring the use of auxiliary condensers...The lamphouse includes the set of 6 condenser lenses, lamphouse filter tray and filter support panel, condenser position scale (negative stage indicator), and 150W PH212 opal enlarging lamp...

Our price: CA$950.00
Omega D6 / ProLab D-6 4x5 Enlarger Instruction Manual
...Principal Parts How To Set Up The Pro-Lab D-6 Use of Masking Attachment Lenses and Lensmounts D-6 Condenser Lamphouse Negative Carriers How To Use The Lens Turret Setting Zoom Conde...

Our price: CA$10.95
Omega Chromegacolor Solid State Analyzer Instruction Manual
...Technique Preliminary set-up Introduction to Programming Making the test print Programming - Spot reading method Analyzing - Spot reading method Programming analyzing - Average...

Our price: CA$10.95

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