Refurbished Super Chromega D Dichroic II colorhead for Omega D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6, and ProLab II enlargers.
The Paterson Major Focus Finder is specifically designed to make focusing easier when making big enlargements.
Paterson Micro Focus Finder magnifies a small area of the image, allowing you to focus on the grain of the negative.
Professional quality Peak Enlarging Focuser Model I
Deluxe quality Peak Enlarging Focuser Model II
Superior quality Peak Enlarging Focuser Model III
Portrait Diffusion Grid for mounting on Omega B-600 and C-700 enlargers, or for use in Omega under lens filter holders.
Portrait Diffusion Grid for mounting on Omega B-66, B-22, and C-67 enlargers, or hand-held use with any enlarger.
Portrait Diffusion Grid for Omega D-2, D-3, D-4, and B, E and F series enlargers.
Red Safety Filter Assembly for for De Vere 203, 504, 507, and 5108 Enlargers.
Replacement Red Safety Filter Assembly for some smaller Durst enlargers
Red Safety Filter Assembly for LPL, Saunders/LPL and Omega/LPL 6600 and 6700 medium format enlargers.
Red Safety Filter Assembly for LPL 7700 and 4x5 Enlargers, Saunders/LPL and Omega LPL 670XL and 4x5 enlargers.
Red Safety Filter to fit all Beseler under-lens filter holders.
Replacement Red Safety Filter Assembly for 3301D Enlargers
Replacement Red Filter Kit for Omega B600, B635, and C700 Enlargers
Red Safety Filter to fit the under-lens filter holder on most Omega enlargers