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Results 11 to 20 of 24 for 82v Sort By:
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LPL 7452L 4x5 Enlarger with VCCE Variable Contrast Module
... VCCE filtration module, 82V 250W Quartz Halogen lamp, 4x5 mixing chamber, red safety filter assembly, and one 39mm threaded lensboard...

Our price: CA$5695.00

LPL 7452L 4x5 Enlarger with B&W Diffusion Module, BW Diffusion module, 82V 250W Quartz Halogen lamp, 4x5 mixing chamber, red safety filter assembly, and one 39mm threaded lensboard...

Our price: CA$4895.00
Quantity Out of stock
Dichroic Color Lamphouse for LPL & Saunders/LPL 6700 Enlargers
...These lamphouses are equipped with an 85W 82V lamp and do not require an external power supply...Supplied complete with 85W/82V enlarging lamp and instruction manual...

Our price: CA$695.00

Voltage Stabilizer for Omega C760 and C-700 Dichroic Colorheads
...The Omega Modular System Voltage Stabilizer is designed for use with Omega the C760 Dichroic colorhead, the C760 Diffusion lamphouse, and the C-700 Dichroic colorhead using 85W 82V lamps...These will also work with the LPL, Saunders/LPL, and Omega/LPL Dichroic and VCCE 6700 series enlargers using 85W 82V lamps as sold in the USA and Canada, but require a minor modification...

Our price: CA$225.00

Saunders/LPL 4500-II 4x5 Enlarger with Dichroic Colour Module - Refurbished
...filtration module, new 82V 200W Quartz Halogen lamp, 4x5 mixing chamber, red safety filter assembly, one 39mm threaded lensboard, and an enlarger manual...

Our price: CA$4150.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7451 4x5 Enlarger with B&W Diffusion Module, BW Diffusion module, 82V 200W Quartz Halogen lamp, 4x5 mixing chamber, red safety filter assembly, and one 39mm threaded lensboard...

Our price: CA$4295.00
Quantity Out of stock
Power Supply for Saunders/LPL 4x5 Enlargers - Refurbished
...120VAC 60Hz operation, for use with 82V lamps...

Our price: CA$535.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL C6700 Dichroic Colour 6x7 Enlarger - Refurbished negative carrier, 85W 82V lamp, and BW red safety filter accepts all LPL 7700 (670XL) series negative carriers optional accessories include a universal glass masking carrier,dust cover and...

Our price: CA$1095.00
LPL VC6700 Variable Contrast 6x7 Enlarger - Refurbished
...m negative carrier , 85W 82V lamp, and red safety filter accepts all LPL 7700 (670XL) series negative carriers optional accessories include a universal glass masking carrier,and copy camera a...

Our price: CA$1195.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 7451 4x5 Enlarger with Dichroic Colour Module
..., Dichroic Color module, 82V 200W Quartz Halogen lamp, 4x5 mixing chamber, red safety filter assembly, and one 39mm threaded lensboard...

Our price: CA$6195.00
Quantity Out of stock

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