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Results 11 to 20 of 50 for Vcce Sort By:
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LPL 100W 12V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Part #LPL00140 100W/12V Quartz-Halogen replacement lamp for for LPL 7700, Saunders/LPL and Omega/LPL 670XL Dichroic color and VCCE enlargers...g enlargers: LPL 7700 VCCE and Dichroic Color LPL 6700 Dichroic Color and VCCE (outside USA Canada) Omega/LPL 670XL VCCE and Dichroic Color Saunders/LPL 670XL VCCE and DichroicColor ...

Our price: CA$48.00
LPL VC6700 Variable Contrast 6x7 Enlarger - Refurbished
... The LPL 6700 VCCE enlarger provides an excellent combination of quality, convenience and economy...nes the convenience of a VCCE (Variable Contrast, Constant Exposure) lamphouse - you merely dial in the desired contrast grade, while exposure settings remain the same - with the compact, sturdy,...

Our price: CA$1195.00
Quantity Out of stock
LPL VC7700 Variable Contrast 6x7 B&W Enlarger
...The VCCE (Variable Contrast, Constant Exposure) lamphouse simplifies printing on variable contrast papers - you simply dial in the contrast grade desired, while the exposure remains the same at a...

Our price: CA$3295.00
Out of stock
Filter Control Knob for LPL, Saunders/LPL and Omega/LPL 4x5 & 7700/670XL Enlargers
... This is the knob used on all the LPL 7700 series (670XL) and all the LPL 4x5 enlargers to control the filters in both the VCCE and colour dichroic lamphouses and filter modules...LPL 7700 series enlarger VCCE Dichroic lamphouses Omega/LPL 670XL VCCE Dichoic lamphouses Saunders/LPL 670XL VCCE Dichoic lamphouses ...

Our price: CA$18.50
Quantity Out of stock
LPL 85W 82V Quartz-Halogen Enlarger Lamp
... Part #LPL00145 85W/82V Quartz-Halogen replacement lamp for LPL, Saunders/LPL, and Omega/LPL 6700 series Dichroic color and VCCE enlargers sold in the USA and Canada...

Our price: CA$35.00
Quantity Out of stock
220V Power Supply for LPL 6700 and 7700 Enlargers
... Replacement power supply for LPL model 6700 Dichroic Color and VCCE, and model 7700 Dichroic Color and VCCE enlargers in markets with 220V AC mains power...

Our price: CA$550.00
White Light Knob for LPL 7700 and Saunders/LPL 670XL Enlargers
...This is the knob on the left side of 7700 Dichroic Color and VCCE lamphouses that allows you to temporarily remove all filtration, providing a bright clear image for composition and focusing...Fits the following enlargers: LPL 7700 series Dichroic and VCCE Jobo/LPL 7700 series Dichroic and VCCE Omega/LPL 670XL series Dichroic and VCCE Saunders/LPL 670XL series Dichroic and VCCE ...

Our price: CA$14.50
Lamp Chamber Cover Assembly for LPL 7700 and Saunders/LPL 670XL Enlargers
... OEM replacement lamp chamber cover assembly for LPL 7700 Dichroic and VCCE enlargers...This is the metal casting at the rear of the 7700 Dichroic Color and VCCE enlarger lamphouse that covers the enlarger lamp and has fins to provide convection cooling...

Our price: CA$98.50
Lamphouse Cover for LPL 7700 and Saunders/LPL 670XL Enlargers
... OEM replacement lamphouse cover plate for LPL 7700 Dichroic and VCCE enlargers...This is the top plate on 7700 Dichroic Color and VCCE enlargers that covers the mixing chamber area at the front of the lamphouse...

Our price: CA$50.00
Quantity Out of stock
Red Safety Filter Assembly for LPL 6600 and 6700 Enlargers
... Red safety filter assembly for LPL 6600 condenser enlargers and 6700 VCCE and Dichroic color enlargers...ser enlargers LPL 6700 VCCE Variable Contrast enlargers Omega/LPL VC6700 VCCE Variable Contrast enlargers LPL C6700 Dichroic Colour enlargers Omega/LPL D6700 Dichroic Color enlargers Sa...

Our price: CA$59.00
Quantity Out of stock

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