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Omega C760 Dichroic Lamphouse Adapter Bracket for C-700 Enlargers
...This part is included with new lamphouses but may be missing from used heads...

Our price: CA$28.00
6x7 Conversion Kit for Beseler Printmaker 35 Enlargers
...The kit can also be used to replace missing or damaged condenser lenses in Printmaker 67, 67CP, and other Beseler 67 series condenser enlargers...

Our price: CA$245.00
Quantity Out of stock
4x5 D-D Mixing Chamber for Omega D Dichroic Enlarger
...If your original D-D mixing chamber has been damaged or gone missing, this is the proper replacement...

Our price: CA$347.00

Under Lens Filter Holder for Beseler 23C and 45M series Enlargers
...The kit can also be used to replace a missing filter holder on later 23CII, 23CIII-XL and 45MX II enlargers...

Our price: CA$85.00
Quantity Out of stock
Light Attenuator Set for Omega C700 and C760 Colorheads
...Unfortunately, the attenuators are often missing when enlargers are resold, and were not included with the C760 Diffusion lamphouse...

Our price: CA$54.50
Replacement Red Filter for Omega B600 & C700 Enlargers
...We see many of these enlargers missing the red filter because of this...

Our price: CA$32.00
Quantity Out of stock
Fine Focus Control for LPL 7700 / 670XL Enlargers
...May also be used to replace a missing or broken focus control on LPL 4x5 enlargers...

Our price: CA$139.00
Quantity Out of stock
Upper Condenser Lens Assembly for Omega C700 Enlargers
...Replace a missing or damaged lens assembly with this original factory part...

Our price: CA$65.00
Quantity Out of stock
Fine Focus Extension Kit for Beseler 45V-XL Enlargers
...If your 45V-XL is missing the original Beseler shafts, or you just want a more convenient system, this is the kit you need...

Our price: CA$175.00
Quantity Out of stock
Knob Set for LPL and Saunders/LPL 6700 Dichroic Colorheads
...If your enlarger has missing or broken knobs, heres a convenient set of replacements...

Our price: CA$39.50
Quantity Out of stock

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