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Results 1 to 4 for Stages Sort By:
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Lower Bellows for Beseler 45M, 45MX and 45MXII 4x5 Enlargers - Used
...We can supply either the early type which mounts to both the lens and negative stages with screws or the later type which was screwed to the lens stage and glued to the negative stage...

Our price: CA$135.00
Quantity Out of stock
Lens Stage Assembly for LPL and Saunders/LPL 4x5 Enlargers
...If your enlarger has one of the early lens stages (see comparison image below) and you are experiencing difficulty with alignment, consider upgrading to the newer assembly...

Our price: CA$215.00
Quantity Out of stock
Omega Enlarger Alignment Tool
...Then place the tool on the negative and lens stages in the same orientation to check the alignment of those stages compared to the baseboard...

Our price: CA$195.00
De Vere / DeVere Apollo Enlarger Instruction Manual
... Removable Head and Lens Stages Closed Loop Lightsource Main Control Console Pedestal and Controls Printer V.D.U...

Our price: CA$22.00

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