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Results 11 to 20 of 37 for Extension Sort By:
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Enlarging Lens Extension Tube for LPL 4x5 Enlargers
... This threaded metal extension tube makes it easy to make 1:1 size prints from 4x5 negatives...Quickly installed, the extension tube accepts 39mm Leica mount lenses and simply screws into a 39mm lensmount...

Our price: CA$129.00
Flexible Focus Extension for LPL 4x5 and 7700 Enlargers
...For owners of LPL and Jobo/LPL 4x5 and 7700 enlargers, and Saunders/LPL and Omega/LPL 4x5 and 670XL enlargers, this Flexible Focus Extension can make focusing much easier...

Our price: CA$175.00
Quantity Out of stock
39mm x 6.5mm Enlarger Lens Adapter for the Beseler 3-Lens Turret
...This adapter provides a 6.5mm extension, just enough to allow the turret to rotate while still allowing proper focusing...This adapter can also be used in other situations where a 6.5mm lens extension tube is required...

Our price: CA$135.00
Quantity Out of stock
Barebulb Pencil Light Flashtube Extension Cable
... This flashtube extension cable can be used to provide a bare bulb pencil light (or strobe-on-a-rope) option to a number of popular flash systems...

Our price: CA$99.95
39mm x 11.5mm Enlarger Lens Adapter for the Beseler 3-Lens Turret
...This adapter provides an 11.5mm extension, enough to allow the turret to rotate while still allowing proper focusing...This adapter can also be used in other situations where an 11.5mm lens extension tube is required...

Our price: CA$145.00
Quantity Out of stock
DV Conversion Kit for Omega D-II, D2, and D3 Enlargers - Used
...It simply replaces the lamphouse extension (the middle part with the mounting lugs) of the old head...

Our price: CA$409.00

LPL 7452L 4x5 Enlarger with Dichroic Colour Module
...x5 glass carriers, focus extension, wall mounting kit, VCCE and BW Diffusion modules Includes a 120V stabilized power supply, Dichroic Color module, 82V 250W Quartz Halogen lamp, 4x5 mixing cha...

Our price: CA$6795.00

Fine Focus Control for LPL 7700 / 670XL Enlargers
...The Fine Focus Control is also required if you wish to use the LPL Focus Extension on 7700 series enlargers...

Our price: CA$139.00
Quantity Out of stock
Saunders/LPL 4500-II 4x5 Enlarger with Dichroic Colour Module - Refurbished
...x5 glass carriers, focus extension, wall mounting kit, VCCE and BW Diffusion modules For more information on Saunders/LPL 4500-II enlargers and accessories, please refer to our LPL Enlarger Gu...

Our price: CA$4150.00
Quantity Out of stock
Saunders/LPL 670DXL Dichroic Colour 6x7 Enlarger - Refurbished
...cus attachment, focusing extension, and copy camera adapter Our refurbished enlargers are disassembled, cleaned, parts inspected for damage and wear, reassembled with new parts as required, ad...

Our price: CA$2995.00

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