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Lamp Socket for Omega Chromega D and E Dichroic Colorheads
...One of those is the lamp socket...

Our price: CA$34.50
Liner Kit for Chromega E Dichroic 5x7 Mixing Box
...But to keep it working properly, it does require periodic maintenance, and one of those tasks is to reline the mixing chambers...

Our price: CA$32.00
Light Seal for Omega Super Chromega E Dichroic Colorheads
...One of those is the light seal gasket that prevents light leaks from between the lamphouse and negative carrier...

Our price: CA$26.50
Quantity Out of stock
120V Power Supply for LPL 7700 & Saunders/LPL 670XL Enlargers
...For use with 100W 12V lamps as specified for those enlargers...

Our price: CA$385.00

220V Power Supply for LPL 6700 and 7700 Enlargers
...For use with 100W 12V lamps as specified for those enlargers...

Our price: CA$550.00
35mm "Full Frame" Negative Carrier for LPL 6700 & 7700 Enlargers
...But for those who wish to print full frame 35mm negatives, or who want to print a black border around the edges of the image, we offer this custom carrier with oversize 26mm x 38mm image opening...

Our price: CA$176.00
Quantity Out of stock
Baseboard for LPL 7700 and Saunders/LPL 670XL Enlargers
...Here is a replacement 45 x 60cm steel reinforced baseboard to fit those enlargers...

Our price: CA$375.00
Focus Knob for Beseler Printmaker & 67 series Enlargers
...Our heavy-duty replacement knob is specifically designed to address those problems...

Our price: CA$34.50
Quantity Out of stock
PH213 PH-213 250W 120V Opal Enlarging / Photoflood Lamp
...Some of the older large format enlargers, such as the Elwoods, specified large PH301 300W enlarging lamps, but those lamps have been discontinued for quite some time...The PH213 is the closest available substitute for the PH301 in those enlargers...

Our price: CA$14.00
Service Kit for Omega Dichroic Colorhead 4x5 Mixing Boxes
...But to keep it working properly, it does require periodic maintenance, and one of those tasks is to reline the mixing chambers...

Our price: CA$135.00
Quantity Out of stock

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